
Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins – usually blue or dark purple – that usually occur on the legs. They look lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance and are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins. Varicose veins happen in the veins near the surface of the skin (superficial). The blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the veins. When the valves become weakened or damaged, blood can collect in the veins.Usually, varicose veins aren’t dangerous and don’t cause long-term health problems. Most people with the condition are concerned with the way varicose veins look. They may experience discomfort but don’t develop complications.Main Ingredients: Herba Lycopodii, Corydalis, Flos Carthami, Rhizoma Ligustici, Radix Salviae, Radix Angelicae etc HOW TO USE Make sure the affected area is properly cleaned and dry. Then smear the cream to the affect area uniformly. Apply 2-4 times a day. 

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