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White Secret Beauty Lightening Soap - 190g X 1Pcs Original price was: ₦3,000.00.Current price is: ₦2,000.00.

Nature Secrete Snail Oil Gold Soap 350g 2bars

Original price was: ₦6,000.00.Current price is: ₦5,500.00.

Lightening soap
Exfoliates the skin
Even out uneven skin tone
Makes the skin spotless


Being beautiful  entails  you having a spotless and beautiful  skin.Acheiving that flawless skin gives you the desired confidence  tou want .Fair & white whitenizer soap naturally  whiten the skin and makes the skin  extremely  smooth ,beautiful  and spotless  .
It removes all spot and blemishes on the skin. 
It even out dark spot ,age spot and blemishes. 

Being beautiful  entails  you having a spotless and beautiful  skin.Acheiving that flawless skin gives you the desired confidence  tou want .Cocopulp soap naturally  whiten the skin and makes the skin  extremely  smooth ,beautiful  and spotless  .

Being beautiful  entails  you having a spotless and beautiful  skin.Acheiving that flawless skin gives you the desired confidence  tou want .Fair & white whitenizer soap naturally  whiten the skin and makes the skin  extremely  smooth ,beautiful  and spotless  .

Being beautiful  entails  you having a spotless and beautiful  skin.Acheiving that flawless skin gives you the desired confidence  tou want .Fair & white whitenizer soap naturally  whiten the skin and makes the skin  extremely  smooth ,beautiful  and spotless  .

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