MGC Lumine Tumeric + Lemon Lightening Face And Body Salt Scrub Original price was: ₦6,000.00.Current price is: ₦4,500.00.
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MGC Lumine Goat Milk Lightening Face And Body Salt Scrub Original price was: ₦6,000.00.Current price is: ₦4,500.00.

Lumine Tiger Nut Milk Salt Scrub


Use on your face, hands, feet and rest of your body
For dry and sensitive skin use once a week
For oily skin use twice a week
For normal skin use all the time
For dry and sensitive skin try using the soft side of your melt or bar first before you use the exfoliating side for extra softness


Exfoliating Tiger Nut Scrub is the key to glowing, flawless, beautiful smooth skin. To maintain our radiant skin, we must begin with regular exfoliation. But remember, different skin requires different care, so try to be gentle with yourself.

Your skin renews itself overnight, so the best time to exfoliate your skin is in the morning to slough away any dry and dead skin. Scrub lightly. Exfoliating Tiger Nut Scrub helps expose your beautiful glowy skin that resides under the surface by removing dead skin cells.

Exfoliating Tiger Nut Scrubs add a touch of luxury to your exfoliating routine. Restores elasticity and retains moisture. Softens and stimulates your skin and helps to regenerate skin cells.

If Tiger Nuts are new to you, they are not a nut, they are a small root vegetable. A small little tuber full of goodness. Tiger Nuts are absolutely allergy friendly, so if you suffer with skin issues they may just be for you. They are high in Vitamin E. Suitable for wheat intolerance as they are naturally gluten free. Full of magnesium which is awesome to be sucked up transdermal.

Violet leaf absolute is well-known for its ability to help with a number of skin issues and conditions. Effective on dry skin. Soothes and heals inflammation and takes extremely good care of skin prone to acne as well as eczema.

  • use on your face, hands, feet and rest of your body
  • for dry and sensitive skin use once a week — for oily skin use twice a week — for normal skin use up to three times a week
  • for dry and sensitive skin try using the soft side of your melt or bar first before you use the exfoliating side for extra softness
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