Dr Meinaier Blueberries Lip Scrub – 20ml


Lip scrub
Dry lips care


Why a lip scrub is important?

As we all know that our skin has multiple layers from which our skin generates a natural oil or sebum from its own. But our lip has a different kind of skin layer that cannot produce its own natural oil from it. So this is the reason why a lip scrub is always recommended for people who have a very dry lips.

We should always remember to exfoliate our skin as well as our lips very frequently. Exfoliation is important because it helps to remove all the dead cells from lips and it also gives a moisturizing effect to our lips. But we should always take care of one thing that less is always more which means we should not scrub our lips every day. At least twice or thrice a week we should do it not more than that. Scrub your lips with Dr Meinaeir lip scrub.

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