Aichun Beauty Avacado Lip Balm Moisturizing & Repair Original price was: ₦2,500.00.Current price is: ₦1,500.00.
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Aichun Beauty Avacado Lip Balm Moisturizing & Repair - 24 Pieces Original price was: ₦12,000.00.Current price is: ₦9,000.00.

Aichun Beauty Avocado Lip Balm Moisturizing & Repair – 3 Pieces


Long lasting
Color changing
Easy absorbing
Nourishing and repair.
Water proof
3 Pieces


Dehydration is another factor that doctors say is behind ‘lip darkening’.
Anyone who falls into the aforementioned categories and is uncomfortable with ‘dark lips’ can easily get a ‘pink lip’,

The new formula is confident to sell because it is working for so many users, it gives a beautiful pinkness to your lips made from fruits and have no side effect.

its new smell, flavor and aroma it is super active and 7x estimated faster result than the last edition, its made of fruits and have no side effect. Our new super active pink-lips cream formula have changed alot of faces this year,

 If you are in the habit of smoking regularly, it goes without saying that it will naturally make the color of yours lips black.

– Apply regularly you can take it to work or school, results are seen in first 3 days of starting usage, the sweet pink effect still obvious after 3 months of discontinue use.- Fruit creams works naturally on lips,- Proven to be better than surgical pink lips and scratching,- simple application on regular basis gives the magic result that appeals to both the user and admirers,- the lips is the most attractive part of a face.

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