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Slim Green Coffee For Weight Loss; With Ganoderma & Ginseng

What is more ASSURING than knowing that your Green Coffee is backed by over 1000 years long history of Asian Wisdom for Weight Loss? This product is not just like any out there; it is an invitation to you to discover the ancient secrets of the Orients who have through generations mastered the medicinal and dietary aspects of natural Herbs for the promotion of excellent health and longevity. Green Coffee is a natural anti-oxidant and weight loss enhancer. This product is formulated as a drug-free dietary supplement which has been high efficacy and potent Herbs masterfully blended to yield the superior Coffee in each sachet, all with the consumer in mind, to ensure ultimate satisfaction always. The Herbal extracts and minerals used in this product have been sourced from all over the world (only the most premium and finest of ingredients are used) to make this an all-natural dietary supplement. Green Coffee contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermogenesis, which increases the metabolism of fat. While Chromium increases the burning of Carbohydrates, Panax Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee curbs your appetite and stimulates your body to burn fats and calories. The Associated Ingredients Include; Instant Coffee, Green Coffee extract, L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, Gracinia Cambogia Extract, Ginseng Extract, Cactus Plant Extract, Lotus Leaf Extract, Guarana Extract, and Psyllium Seed.

Winstars Weight Gainer Powder/ High Protein Gainer Supplement-

Proteins are the building components of muscular tissue. A high-quality protein supplement such as the Weight Gainer Shake promotes addition of weight by providing your body with the building blocks it needs for development. Protein supplements, such as protein shakes or bars, are excellent ways of increasing your protein consumption or intake if you are not receiving enough of the nutrient through your normal diets. Our Weight Gainer Shake offers a convenient, effective and healthy way to boost your protein intake. It's not only rich in Whey Protein but also in carbs and other healthy ingredients, such as healthy fats. Whey Protein is one of the best globally-recognized proteins for building muscle or gaining weight. It contains all the essential amino acids and has a high biological value, meaning that your body is able to absorb and use all of the amino acids present, instead of letting some of them pass through your digestive system. Whey also digests quickly and goes down easily in a protein shake or smoothie, so it’s easy to consume enough. Weight gainers, sometimes referred to as mass gainers, are high-calorie shakes that people use to help them add weight. They are very good for slim people who are having trouble eating enough calories to gain weight.   They contain tons of easily digested calories, and those calories come from the sources that are best for gaining weight: protein and starchy carbs.