

Edible Herbs Ltd Edible Natural Herbs Combo For Fibroid

Yoni pearls works for Women who have been struggling to treat vaginal yeast infection,trying to conceive for years,having vaginal odor/looseness/dryness,blocked fallopian tubes,heavy menstrual cycles,irregular/painful menses,hormonal imbalance,OvarianCysts,PCOS,PID,Endometriosis,fibriod.... HOW TO USE IT:• Wash your hands before removing the detox from the sealed package. Unravel strings from pearls & tie a knot close to pearls for easy removal.• Lay on your back with your knees to your chest. Take the longest finger you have (middle finger) and use it to push the first yoni pearls detox deeply into your vagina.• Leave one Yoni Detox pearl in vagina for 48-72 hours (2-3 days), after 48-72 hours remove Yoni Detox Pearl• Wear a pantyliner and allow the vagina to discharge toxins for the next 24-48 hours, wait 24 hours before inserting a new Yoni Detox Pearl• Insert 2nd Yoni Detox Pearl in

Edible Herbs Ltd Edible Women Vadetox Pad

  • Far infrared prevents and cures fibroid
  • Prevents ovarian cysts, infections, etc
  • Contains anions that kill bacteria
  • Eliminates odour and prevents itching
  • It is very comfortable
  • Preserves health
  • Cures and prevents rashes in vagina

Edible Herbs Ltd Effective For Infections; Staph, Gonnorrhea, Siphilis

Staphlococcus Gonorrhea Siphilis Candidiasis Painful urination etc Staphlococcus Gonorrhea Siphilis Candidiasis Painful urination etc

Edible Herbs Ltd Effectively Cure Infection; STD, Staph, Gonorrhea, Bacteria

It Helps the general well-being of the body Overweight / Obesity reduction Cures sexually transmitted diseases (STD) Cures Infertility Issues Helps in the Treatment of dysentery cure candidiasis (white) Syphilis Gonorrhea Painful urination Skin infections (Genital warts) Staphylococcus Infections

Edible Herbs Ltd Effectively Cure Infection; STD, Staph, Gonorrhea, Bacteria

It Helps the general well-being of the body Overweight / Obesity reduction Cures sexually transmitted diseases (STD) Cures Infertility Issues Helps in the Treatment of dysentery cure candidiasis (white) syphilis Gonorrhea painful urination skin infections (Genital warts) staphylococcus infections

Edible Herbs Ltd Herbal CAPSULE For Pile, Blood In Stool Combination

quick healing of pile it will shrink back it will stop bleeding hermorroids it will stop the pains within few days You will be able to toilet normally with stress Note: while on this pile treatment, stop all solid foods to hasten healing.

Edible Herbs Ltd Male Infertility Natural Herbs Package

Treat male infertility Boost sperm cells Makes sperm cells healthy Boost male sexual functions Increases male libido

Edible Herbs Ltd MALE PROSTATE CARE CURE PACKAGE(Effective Herbal Medicine)

Functions includes; Total cure for prostrate gland dysfunction Maintains prostrate gland from failing Boost male testerone level Helps male sexual functionality

Edible Herbs Ltd Natural Herbal combination For Ulcer Care

Original price was: ₦54,900.00.Current price is: ₦51,500.00.
Edible Ulcer Cares Nourishes and harmonize stomach and spleen, Clears dampness, Removes clamp & phlegm, Regulates digestion. Used for  duodenal Ulcer,chronic poor appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, acid regurgitation, chronic gastritis, chronic diarrhea or loose stools,Chronic hepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), morning sickness

Ever CHODEX-3 CAPSULES ( Natural Herbal Formula To Control Diabetes)

  • treat hypoglycemia and its associated disorders, stops the progress of distressful diabetes, controls N.I.D.D.M (Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Mellitus).

Ever Everhealthy Adino PLUS For Men

ADINO PLUS is a big powerhouse of antioxidant which gradually increase immunity levels, boost sperm count and motility, enhance natural libido, improve vigor and strength, sperm problems, and urinary tract disease. Used in aphrodisiac & convalescence therapy, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sexual weakness, increase power and improve semen quality, it strengthens penile tissue and improves libido. With Akarkara & with its ability to strengthen the male reproductive system, it regulates hormones of male gonads and testosterone levels. It boosts nervous system function, raises sperm count and quality, boost sexual desire with its antidepressant properties, improves sexual performance, and lowers the risk of impotence and sexual dis
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